fredag 21. september 2012

"Digitale Bevis" - ENGLISH version "Digital Evidence"

Sigurd Klomsæt is an attorney who has a passion for what he does. He is willing to go in new directions and try old truths in court again. Now he has lost his legal appropriation. He is "unfit as an attorney" according to the Norwegian appropriations committee. It is alleged that he walked into a trap set by the police, a digital trap.

He has asked me and other computer experts for advice. He has
given us a free mandate. "Find out what has happened - no matter." Klomsæt has even lifted the confidentiality agreement I would normally have had on a forensics job. "Find the truth and tell it" was his order.

So I have investigated the matter thoroughly. One thing is clear to me: What has been presented in this case is pure hearsay. The chain of evidence is broken, documentation is absent and allegations submitted are demonstrably wrong. There is no quality control. There is no real possibility of evidence verification. In an American court of law, the entire evidence would be ruled as inadmissible and the case closed.

I cannot say who is behind the leak. But I can state categorically that the police ha
ve not presented any evidence that designates Klomsæt as the leaker. I can ascertain this from the police's own documentation. And in Norway, one is innocent until proven guilty. It is a fundamental legal principle.

Me and the other data experts engaged are met with the claims that we are "hired to rescue Klomsæt". We are frivolous. Clearly the police have to be believed! They set the trap, and "the stupid Klomsæt stepped right in it" - they say. Well we are not alone: ​​The very serious researcher Gisle Hannemyr states this on his blog (Norwegian text only):

Hannemyr clearly says that the way the Norwegian police have used digital watermarking does not constitute evidence.

I have known Hannemyr for many years. We are far from agreeing on everything. But knowledge, professional integrity and thoroughness are the hallmarks of Gisle Hannemyr.

Can the Norwegian judicial system, the Supervisory Council for Legal Affairs and Attorney Appropriations Committee ignore him too?

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